Experimental industrial tool factory of powder metallurgy TO UANNP, Ltd.

High-speed steel manufactured on powder metallurgical technique

Ltd. "IZPM" makes delivery tool bestrorezhuschey steel (powder metallurgy)

The main advantage of a powder high speed steel - higher wear resistance and toughness.

According durability tool powder high-speed steel is greater than steel normal production in 2-5 times, which significantly reduces the cost of tool procurement and increases productivity when machining due to higher cutting speeds. At the same time, it is best treated by grinding which reduces the cost of manufacturing and sharpening cutting tools. This is achieved thanks to a more uniform distribution of carbides and their greater density (percentage).

Powder high-speed steel is practically eliminates the formation of carbide irregularities.

Such technology allows to enter three times more carbides of high strength, such as vanadium carbides, which greatly increases the strength and durability of steel compared with conventional bystrorezom. Due to the small size of the carbides and their uniform distribution significantly reduced the cost of operating the processing of steel (grinding, polishing), reduced wear and tear of grinding wheels in part, and sometimes completely offset the higher purchase price of powdered bystroreza. In addition, it is increasing the efficiency of the production cycle and reduced cost of the final product.

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