Experimental industrial tool factory of powder metallurgy TO UANNP, Ltd.


Wire netting

Сортамент ГОСТ, ТУ Размер мм Марка стали
911 Wire netting "Rabitsa" GOST 3282-74: various sizes
910 Stainless wire netting GOST 3826-82 0,4-2,0mm
909 Fabric black or galvanized wire netting GOST 3286-82 0,4-12mm
908 Welded wire netting for TU TU 14-4-452-99 12.5x25.0, 12.5x25.0, 25.0x25.0mm
907 Twisted wire netting with hexagonal cells GOST 13603-90 25,0-25,0mm