ООО Опытно-производственный инструментальный завод порошковой металлургии ДО УАННП


Hot-rolled and roll-formed angle

Сортамент ГОСТ, ТУ Размер мм Марка стали
868 Hot-rolled angle with equal legs DSTU 2251-93 thickness 3-30mm, width from 20x20 mm to 250x250 mm, length 4-12m DSTU 2251-93, GOST 8509-9. Exports under the ISO 657/1 standard - 1989E.
867 Roll-formed angle with unequal legs DSTU 2255-93 thickness 2-8 mm, width of legs 32-25mm to 155x100mm DSTU 2255-93, GOST 19772-93
866 roll-formed angle with equal legs thickness 3-10mm, width of legs 36-160mm, length 3-12m DSTU 2254-93 GOST 19771-93
865 Hot-rolled angle with unequal legs GOST 8510-86 thickness 3-10 mm, width of legs 36-160 mm, length - 3-12m.